Tuesday, January 10, 2006

RFP: Request For Photos

I need your help! I'm working on assembling an online family tree with photos of each family member. I think this will be useful for many of us who need a little name/face refresher course.

I still need head shots of more than half the people in the family. Rule of thumb: if you were at Tahoe, I have your photo. If not, I need it. I can extract your head shot from a group photo or other photo - it doesn't need to be a portrait - so long as the resolution is decent. Please email me pictures of yourself or others. Quigleys, this means you!
I also need pics of all the children of Patrick Cannon and Margaret Phillips and their spouses. If anyone could help me out with those I'd appreciate it.

Don't be a blank box! Email your photo soon!


At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Phil,
Are we supposed to be able to see that cool fam tree you made?  I can't zoom in at all to see the detail.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger P said...

No, it's not zoomable. I was planning to wait until I get all the photos before posting a full quality version, but maybe I'll put one up for people to see what it looks like so far. Thanks Jen!

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil, thanks for putting all this together. I missed out on Colorado, but I won't miss out on this one. I'll send a picture of me and Court.

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, the picture you show as an example -- labeled as Jesse Kearns -- is in fact me.

I sincerely doubt that
A) Jesse could be as handsome as me, or,
B) Jesse would ever be caught dead with such a scraggly mange on his face.

I hope and trust that all is well across the clan,


Carol Kearns should choose (A), Jane Kearns should choose (B) but then again, maybe not.


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