Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Group Photo Collection

In the course of collecting photos for the family tree, I've received a bunch of great group pictures that I felt should be put on display. Feel free to comment on where these were taken or anything else about them. Click the pics for full-scale versions.

Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Pic 5:
Pic 6:
Pic 7:
Pic 8:
Pic 9:
Pic 10:
Pic 11:
Pic 12:
Pic 13:Tahoe Reunion 2004. 1st Row: Phil Caspar and Cannon, Tara Malloy Caspar and Molly, Eric Altschule and Harper, Jennifer Caspar Altshcule and Allie, Louanne Flannigan Caspar and Caroline, Vickie Caspar Eichler and Harry. 2nd row: Brian Quistorff, Kate Applewhite Caspar, Richard Caspar, Greg Conklin, Anne Quistorff Conklin, George Caspar (IV), Matt Eichler. 3rd row: Jesse Kearns, Tara Carmichael, Kevin Kearns, Michelle Kearns. Top row: Fran Browne Caspar, Helen Caspar Quistorff, Kirk Quistorff, Ruth Caspar, Rita Schaeffer Caspar, Joe Caspar, George Caspar, Meghan Kearns, Justin Brown.

Pic 14:Jim Quiqley and Sheela Caspar at Ruth and John's anniversary.

Pic 15:


At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I'd start identifying people in the group photos. If I make an obvious mistake or omission, please correct it and chalk it up near senility.

Joe Caspar

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pic 14:

This is easy: Jim Quiqley and Sheela Caspar at Ruth and John's anniversary get together. Somebody help me out as to the year and the anniversary.


At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pic 13: From the Tahoe Reunion.

Top row:
Fran Browne Caspar
Helen Caspar Quistorff
Kirk Quistorff
Ruth Caspar
Rita Schaeffer Caspar
Joe Caspar
George Caspar
Meghan Kearns
Justin Brown

3rd row:
Jesse Kearns
Tara Carmichael
Kevin Kearns
Michelle Kearns

2nd row:
Brian Quistorff
Kate Applewhite Caspar
Richard Caspar
Greg Conklin
Anne Quistorff Conklin
George Caspar (IV)
Matt Eichler

1st Row:
Phil Caspar and Cannon
Tara Malloy Caspar and Molly
Eric Altschule and Harper
Jennifer Caspar Altshcule and Allie
Louanne Flannigan Caspar and Caroline
Vickie Caspar Eichler and Matt

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pic 13:

I hit the wrong key and published it before I wanted to.

The last entry in Row 1 is Vickie Caspar Eichler and Harry.

And my name is Joe, not Jpoe.

More later.

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were married June 25, 1934, so presume this is late June/early July 1984.



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